Scenery is not affiliated with Cavalry or Scene Group


  1. Download the Upload script
  2. Unzip the downloaded zip file
  3. In Cavalry navigate to Help > Show Scripts Folder
  4. Open the Scripts folder
  5. Drag the contents of the zip into the Scripts folder
  6. In Cavalry navigate to Scripts > Upload


The first time you open the script you're asked to login with your Scenery credentials. You only have to do this once.

If you're invited to upload, the interface lets you set the following options:


This is the name of the Scene as it will show up on Scenery.


The type of asset. It's just Scenes for now.


This is the Creative Commons license under which the asset should be licensed. If you're not sure which license to choose, use the License Chooser.


You can set a marker for the video's preview image by clicking the "Thumbnail" button. If there is no thumbnail marker, the center frame will be used for the preview image.


Before publishing you'll be asked to save the Scene. Another copy is saved with _scenery appended to the file name to avoid overwriting your work. This will be addressed in an upcoming update.

If publishing is successful the asset will immediately be available on Scenery. Follow the link to view it.


  • There should be one main comp which has to be square
  • Comps that are just variations of the main comp should be removed
  • The playback range is used for the preview video
  • Try to keep the playback range as short as possible
  • Ideally the playback range creates a perfect loop
  • You can use layer notes to add any clarification about how the Scene is set up
  • Add important attributes to the Control Centre
  • For text layers, add a link to the legal download page in the layer note
  • Original work only, not from tutorials or copies of other artists
  • Scenes with file assets are not supported (yet)


Share your scenes and eventually any asset you can imagine

Scripts require Cavalry Pro. Upgrade through Scenery and get 10% off of the first year.

Upgrade to Cavalry Pro